Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Planting Seeds (Kingdom Quest 2011 Summer Camps)

     This summer, Camp Sonshine Center had the privilege to host nine camps all across the Western Visayas.  I was blessed to help with all of the camps.  In total we were able to plant seeds in the hearts of  over 1,200 children!

     I can't say I have a favorite camp because they were all unique and God had something specific He wanted to accomplish in each camp. The camp in Cadiz, a city in Negros which is in a neighboring island near the Panay island, was one of my most memorable camps. To get to this island we had to ride on a Ro-Ro, a big boat, and that happened to be the first time I got on a boat like that one. But that was not the main reason that camp was special to me. It was during this camp that our team bonded even more and as a result of our unity, God moved in a special way in the hearts of the people present. His presence was so tangible and heavy in the gym where we met that nearly everyone was crying as they prayed. I remember being surrounded by children worshiping the Lord with tears streaming down their cheeks and feeling so assured that that experience wouldn't be the last one. After our last time of prayer together, there was a strong spirit of freedom that caused the counselors, children and the staff to dance to the songs we played during our assembly times even though the camp was officially over! It was a powerful and special moment.

Below are a couple of videos and pictures of the different camps. Enjoy!

Video produced by Nomil Adorada.